Sherlock by Bran Mydwynter

D For Detective [Sherlock]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 96
cream, hazelnut, mocha nut mate
The GovernMINT Takes a Holiday [Mycroft Holmes]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 98
cream, vanilla, peppermint
Six Sweet Seconds [Mystrade]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
earl grey bravo, peach, vanilla
Gun Oil [Johnlock]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
lapsang souchong, coconut, honeybush chocolate
Mycroft's Mahogany [Mycroft Holmes]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
apricot, rooibos vanilla, honeybush hazelnut
The Yard's Christmas Punch [Greg Lestrade]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 95
orange, spiced apple chai, cranberry
Mrs Hudson's Mince Pies
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
currant, spiced apple chai, chestnut
Holmes Bros. Holiday Brew
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 89
lapsang souchong, oriental spice, cranberry
Graveside Special [Mystrade]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
pu-erh dante, chocolate chip, chocolate chai
Hound In The Hollow [The Hounds of Baskerville]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
decaf ceylon, decaf earl grey, decaf vanilla
Moriarty's Merry Mayhem
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 98
pu-erh hazelberry, cream, candy cane
Moustache Ride
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
valentines, summer rose, chestnut
Mycroft's Mahogany Decaf
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 94
rooibos vanilla, honeybush hazelnut, decaf apricot
19th Century Ghost [The Abominable Bride]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 95
caramel, rooibos vanilla chai, chestnut
Earl Greg [Greg Lestrade]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 88
earl grey bravo, berry blues
Mystrade and Mistletoe
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 90
oriental spice, cranberry
Johnlock Christmas Annual
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
pu-erh chorange, oriental spice, chestnut
What A Night [Sign Of Three]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
raspberry, vanilla, hazelnut
Three Patch Pu Erh [Sherlock Holmes]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 96
pu-erh spice, caramel, rooibos vanilla chai
3 Continents John [John Watson]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 98
passionfruit, mango mate, honeybush orange
Drugs Bust [Sherlock Holmes]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 96
spearmint, rooibos cocomint, decaf ceylon
Earl Greg Decaf
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
berry blues, decaf earl grey
Pink Lady [A Study In Pink]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 95
strawberry, peppermint, wild strawberry
Scandal [A Scandal In Bohemia]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 90
earl grey moonlight, black cherry, cream
Shot In the Dark [His Last Vow]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 92
lapsang souchong, pu-erh dante, tiger eye
Pistol And Apple [John Watson]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 99
spiced apple chai, gunpowder, rooibos cinnamon apple
Teapot [The Blind Banker]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 85
gunpowder, vanilla green, rooibos jasmine
The Fall
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 95
almond, spiced apple chai, hojicha
Poolside Rendezvous [The Great Game]
by Bran Mydwyn...
Score: 97
lapsang souchong, cinnamon, vanilla oolong


Lazarus [The Empty Hearse]
blueberry, blackberry, pomegranate
Best and Wisest [Johnlock]
pu-erh dante, pomegranate, dewy cherry